Introduction to APIs

An Application Programming Interface (API) establishes the protocols and methods for one piece of a program to communicate with another. APIs are useful for (1) allowing larger software systems to be built from smaller components, (2) allowing the same component/code to be used by different systems, and (3) insulating consumers from changes to the implementation.

Some examples of APIs:

  • In OOP languages, abstract classes provide the interface for all concrete classes to implement

  • Software libraries provide an external interface for consuming programs

  • Web APIs (or “web services”) provide interfaces for computer programs to communicate over the internet

In this section, we will see some Web APIs, and in particular REST APIs, and we will learn how to interact with them using Python scripts. After going through this module, students should be able to:

  • Identify and describe Web APIs (including REST APIs)

  • Find API endpoints to various websites, e.g. Bitbucket and GitHub

  • List and define the four most important HTTP verbs

  • Install and import the Python requests library

  • Interact with a web API using the Python requests library, and parse the return information

Web APIs

In this course, we will focus on Web APIs (or HTTP APIs). These are interfaces that are exposed over HTTP. There are a number of advantages to Web-based APIs that we will use in this class:

  • A Web API is accessible from any computer or application that has access to the public internet

  • No software installation is required on the client’s side to consume a web API

  • Web APIs can change their implementation without clients knowing (or caring)

  • Virtually every modern programming language provides one or more libraries for interacting with a web API - thus, “language agnostic”

HTTP - the Protocol of the Internet

HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) is one way for two computers on the internet to communicate with each other. It was designed to enable the exchange of data (specifically, “hypertext”). In particular, our web browsers use HTTP when communicating with web servers running web applications. HTTP uses a message-based, client-server model: clients make requests to servers by sending a message, and servers respond by sending a message back to the client.

HTTP is an “application layer” protocol in the language of the Internet Protocols; it assumes a lower level transport layer protocol. While this can swapped, in practice it is almost always TCP. The basics of the protocol are:

  • Web resources are identified with URLs (Uniform Resource Locators). Originally, resources were just files/directories on a server, but today resources refer to more general objects.

  • HTTP “verbs” represent actions to take on the resource. The most common verbs are GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.

  • A request is made up of a URL, an HTTP verb, and a message

  • A response consists of a status code (numerical between 100-599) and a message. The first digit of the status code specifies the kind of response:

    • 1xx - informational

    • 2xx - success

    • 3xx - redirection

    • 4xx - error in the request (client)

    • 5xx - error fulfilling a valid request (server)

REST APIs - Overview

REST (Representational State Transfer) is a way of building APIs for computer programs on the internet leveraging HTTP. In other words, a program on computer 1 interacts with a program on computer 2 by making an HTTP request to it.

In HTTP terms, “resources” are the nouns of the application domain and are associated with URLs. The API has a base URL from which all other URLs in that API are formed, e.g.:

The other URLS in the API are either “collections”, e.g.:


or they are specific items in a collection, e.g.:


or subcollections / items in subcollections, e.g.:


Continuing along with HTTP terms, “operations” are the actions that can be taken on the resources and are associated with HTTP verbs:

  • GET - list items in a collection or retrieve a specific item in the collection

  • POST - create a new item in the collection based on the description in the message

  • PUT - replace an item in a collection with the description in the message

  • DELETE - delete an item in a collection

Response messages often make use of some data serialization format standard such as JSON or XML.


The base URL to the GitHub API is listed above, You can discover the API to GitHub and other popular websites by searching in Google something like “GitHub API endpoint”.

REST APIs - Toy Examples

Virtually every application domain can be mapped into a REST API architecture. Some examples may include:

Articles in a collection (e.g., on a blog or wiki) with author attributes:


Properties in a real estate database with associated purchase history:


A catalog of countries, cities and neighborhoods:


REST APIs - A Real Example

Bitbucket is a website for managing git repositories. You may already be familiar with the Bitbucket website, Let’s now take a look at the Bitbucket Web API. Open a web browser and navigate to:

When you opened that page, your browser made a GET request to the Bitbucket API. What you see is a JSON object describing public repositories.


The first entries returned from the Bitbucket API.

If you look closely, you will see three top level objects in the response: pagelen (int), values (list), and next (str). What do you think each represents?


  • Were all Bitbucket repositories returned? How many were returned? What URL would you use to get the next set of repositories?

  • What URL would we use to get a list of public repositories owned by a specific user?

  • What URL would we use to get a list of commits for a specific public repository?


Web APIs for popular sites (like Bitbucket) often come with online documentation.

Using Python to Interact with Web APIs

Viewing API response messages in a web browsers is of limited use. We can interact with Web APIs in a much more powerful and programmatic way using the Python requests library.

First install the requests library in your userspace on the ISP server using pip:

[isp02]$ pip3 install --user requests
Successfully installed requests-2.25.1

You might test that the install was successful by trying to import the library in the interactive Python interpreter:

[isp02]$ python3
Python 3.6.8 (default, Aug  7 2019, 17:28:10)
[GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-39)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import requests

The basic usage of the requests library is as follows:

>>> # make a request
>>> response = requests.<method>(url=some_url, data=some_message, <other options>)
>>> # e.g. try:
>>> response = requests.get(url='')
>>> # return the status code:
>>> response.status_code
>>> # return the raw content
>>> response.content
>>> # return a Python list or dictionary from the response message
>>> response.json()


Let’s explore the Bitbucket API using the requests library in a Python script. Write functions to return the following:

  • Retrieve a list of public bitbucket repositories

  • Retrieve a list of public bitbucket repositories for a particular user

  • Retrieve a list of pull requests for a particular public bitbucket repository