Midterm Project


What is a UUID

first some background. A universally unique identifier is a 128-bit number used to identify information in computer systems, typically referred to as an UUID (thought, in Microsoft-speak it’s called an GUID). When an UUID is generated using standard methods, for practical purposes, they are universally unique.

  • UUIDS are composed of 128 bit numbers generated using standards-based algorithms that are “guaranteed” unique (i.e., the probability of collisions is so low that, to get to a 50% probability of collision, one would need to generate 2.7x10^18 UUIDs).

  • There are 4 major versions of the standard - We will use UUID version 4 because: it generates uuid’s with very low probability of collision without using sensitive data such as the MAC address of the server which is usually used in generating the UUID.

  • The algorithms can and have been implemented in most major programming languages (yay standards!) and can generate uuid’s very quickly.

How do I generate a UUID in Python?

>>> import uuid
>>> uuid.uuid4()

Out[1]: UUID('56849963-e90d-4322-a369-50870f0cf9fa')

# return a string:
>>> str(uuid.uuid4())
Out[2]: '66a3acf3-8009-4cd3-8d40-c8ce42229f08'

You are Dr. Moreau and you have an island of bizzare creatures. Now we’re going to use flask to interact with our data

add the following to your JSON producer:
  • a timestamp labeled “created_on”

  • an unique identifier “uid”

In your Flask app,

  • have routes that
    • query a range of dates

    • selects a particular creature by its unique identifier

    • edits a particular creature by passing the UUID, and updated “stats”

    • deletes a selection of animals by a date ranges

    • returns the average number of legs per animal

    • returns a total count of animals