Final Project

Due Date: Friday, May 7th, by 11:00am CST

The final project will consist of building a REST API frontend to a time series database that allows for basic CRUD - Create, Read, Update, Delete - operations and also allows users to submit analysis jobs. At a minimum, the system should support an analysis job to create a plot of the data, and should be hosted on the Kubernetes cluster. Extra credit may be given if the system supports additional types of analysis jobs, deploy over multiple environments (test and prod), or has an innovative user interface.

The project will also include two separate pieces of documentation: the first will provide instructions for deploying the system and the second should be geared towards users/developers who will interact with the system.


Front-end API - A set of synchronous API endpoints providing the following functionality:

  • Data points retrieval endpoints

  • Endpoint for creating new data points

  • Jobs/graph submission and retrieval points

  • Submission of other kinds of analysis jobs - extra credit


Back-end workers - Backend/worker processes to work the submitted jobs:

  • Worker processes framework.

  • Analysis job itself (e.g., make a graph)


Use of Redis database and queue structures to link front-end and back-end processes:

  • Note that if the API, Workers, and Redis server might run on a different servers, you’ll need to provide a configuration description (or better yet a way of propagating config)


Github Repository

  • Repository/code organization - The code should be organized into modules and directories that make it easy to navigate as the project grows. An example repository layout is included at:


    • Should contain everything needed (Dockerfile(s), Kubernetes yml files, source code, configurations, etc.) for someone else to clone the repo and deploy their own version of the app in their own namespace

  • Documentation

    • Deployment docs - instructions for how an operator should deploy the system on a Kubernetes cluster

    • User docs - instructions for how to interact with your API. This should more or less be a (possibly updated version of) your HW 5/6/7, e.g.,

      • List of endpoints

      • Expected JSON responses

      • Examples of how to use your system from within curl and Python.

  • Datasets

There are many public datasets available for you to to download into your project. Google is your best bet to find datasets which maybe of interest. Some examples of open datasets are or signup for a free community account at Google also has some public datasets available on the Google Cloud, Some “tweaking” may be required to convert the datasets into a JSON dictionary.