Homework 01

Due Date: Thursday, Feb 4, by 11:00am CST

The Island of Dr. Moreau

You are Dr. Moreau and you will randomly create 20 bizarre animals. Each animal should have the following:

  • A head randomly chosen from this list: snake, bull, lion, raven, bunny

  • A body made up of two animals randomly chosen using the petname library

  • A random number of arms; must be an even number and between 2-10, inclusive

  • A random number of legs; must be a multiple of three and between 3-12, inclusive

  • A non-random number of tails that is equal to the sum of arms and legs

Each of the 20 individual animals should be accessible from a list of dictionaries. Use the json library to dump your data structure into an animals.json file. For example, your assembled data structure may look like:

  "animals": [
      "head": "snake",
      "body": "sheep-bunny",
      "arms": 2,
      "legs": 12,
      "tail": 14
      "head": "snake",
      "body": "parrot-bream",
      "arms": 6,
      "legs": 6,
      "tail": 12
    ... etc

Next, create a new Python script to read in animals.json and print the details of one animal at random to screen.

What to Turn In

Your final homework should be turned in via GitHub. Create a repository under your GitHub account for this class. Make a subfolder called homework01. That folder should contain three files:

  • generate_animals.py, which generates animals.json

  • animals.json, which contains 20 bizarre animals as described above

  • read_animals.py, which reads animals.json and prints one animal at random to screen

The TA will git clone your repository on the due date / time, navigate to your homework01 folder, and inspect your code and output. The TA will try to run your code by typing python3 generate_animals.py followed by python3 read_animals.py. Additionally, animals.json will be entered into into a JSON validator to check if it is valid JSON.

Additional Resources