Docker Compose

Up to this point, we have been looking at single-container applications - small units of code that are containerized, executed ad hoc to generate or read a JSON file, then exit on completion. But what if we want to do something more complex? For example, what if our goal is to orchestrate a multi-container application consisting of, e.g., a Flask app, a database, a message queue, an authentication service, and more.

Docker compose is tool for managing multi-container applications. A YAML file is used to define all of the application service, and a few simple commands can be used to spin up or tear down all of the services.

In this module, we will get a first look at Docker compose. Later in this course we will do a deeper dive into advanced container orchestration. After going through this module, students should be able to:

  • Translate Docker run commands into YAML files for Docker compose

  • Run commands inside ad hoc containers using Docker compose

A Simple Example

Docker compose works by interpreting rules declared in a YAML file (typically called docker-compose.yml). The rules we will write will replace the docker run commands we have been using, and which have been growing quite complex. For example, the commands we used to run our JSON parsing scripts in a container looked like the following:

[isp02]$ docker run --rm -v $PWD:/data -u $(id -u):$(id -g) username/json-parser:1.0 /data/animals.json
[isp02]$ docker run --rm -v $PWD:/data -u $(id -u):$(id -g) username/json-parser:1.0 /data/animals.json

The above docker run commands can be loosely translated into a YAML file. Navigate to the folder that contains your Python scripts and Dockerfile, then create a new empty file called docker-compose.yml:

[isp02]$ pwd
[isp02]$ touch docker-compose.yml
[isp02]$ ls -l
total 12
-rw-------. 1 wallen G-815499   0 Feb 10 20:46 docker-compose.yml
-rw-------. 1 wallen G-815499 329 Feb  9 12:39 Dockerfile
-rw-------. 1 wallen G-815499 703 Feb  9 11:16
-rw-------. 1 wallen G-815499 236 Feb  9 11:16
drwx------. 2 wallen G-815499   6 Feb 10 20:44 test/

Next, open up docker-compose.yml with your favorite text editor and type / paste in the following text:

version: "3"

        image: wallen/json-parser:1.0
            - ./test:/data
        user: "827385:815499"
        command: /data/animals.json
        image: wallen/json-parser:1.0
            - ./test:/data
        user: "827385:815499"
        command: /data/animals.json

The version key must be included and simply denotes that we are using version 3 of Docker compose.

The services section defines the configuration of individual container instances that we want to orchestrate. In our case, we define two called gen-anim for the generate_animals functionality, and read-anim for the read_animals functionality.

Each of those services is configured with a Docker image (wallen/json-parser:1.0), a mounted volume (equivalent to the -v option for docker run), a user namespace (equivalent to the -u option for docker run), and a default command to run.

Please note that the image name above should be changed to use your image. Also, the user ID / group ID are specific to wallen - to find your user and group ID, execute the Linux commands id -u and id -g.


The top-level services keyword shown above is just one important part of Docker compose. Later in this course we will look at named volumes and networks which can be configured and created with Docker compose.

Running Docker Compose

The Docker compose command line too follows the same syntax as other Docker commands:

docker-compose <verb> <parameters>

Just like Docker, you can pass the --help flag to docker-compose or to any of the verbs to get additional usage information. To get started on the command line tools, try issuing the following two commands:

[isp02]$ docker-compose version
[isp02]$ docker-compose config

The first command prints the version of Docker compose installed, and the second searches your current directory for docker-compose.yml and checks that it contains only valid syntax.

To run one of these services, use the docker-compose run verb, and pass the name of the service as defined in your YAML file:

[isp02]$ ls test/     # currently empty
[isp02]$ docker-compose run gen-anim
[isp02]$ ls test/
animals.json          # new file!
[isp02]$ docker-compose run read-anim
{'head': 'snake', 'body': 'marlin-tapir', 'arms': 10, 'legs': 9, 'tail': 19}

Now we have an easy way to run our ad hoc services consistently and reproducibly. Not only does docker-compose.yml make it easier to run our services, it also represents a record of how we intend to interact with this container.

Essential Docker Compose Command Summary



docker-compose version

Print version information

docker-compose config

Validate docker-compose.yml syntax

docker-compose up

Spin up all services

docker-compose down

Tear down all services

docker-compose build

Build the images listed in the YAML file

docker-compose run

Run a container as defined in the YAML file

Additional Resources